Donations log

Donating to the right place is very important. I’ve decided to keep a log of where I donate so people can see what I’m up to and to keep me honest, inspired by Peter Hurford. I don’t always make the most rational choices, and have left in donations made prior to understanding what I now know about charities.

I have pledged to give everything I earn in a year over $45,000 AUD for the rest of my life (indexed by inflation from 2016) to the most effective causes.

If you see something, especially recently, that you disagree with, please let me know.

2024Oct 28Long-term Future Fund$660 USD
2024OctAnimal Justice Party$34.55 AUDMembership fees (note, I can't find the receipt/cost for AJP membership fees for 2019/20/21/22, but they would have been similar)
2024JuneAnimal Justice Party$20 AUD
2024Nov 25Good Ancestors Project$10 AUD
2023OctAnimal Justice Party$34.55 AUDMembership fees
2023Nov 3Movember$20 AUD
2023JunAnimal Justice Party$20 AUD
2023FebAnimal Justice Party$800 AUD
2023Dec 11Global Priorities Institute$1500 AUD
2022Mar 07Nuclear Threat Initiative$15 USD
2022Mar 07PETA$15 AUD
2022Mar 07Fundacja Ocalenie$8 AUD
2022Jan 29New Harvest$259 AUD
2022Apr 26Animal Justice Party$25 AUDElections fundraiser
2021Mar 1Halfcut Challenge$20 AUD
2020June 19Center For Energy Efficiency And Renewable Technologies$76.21 AUD
2020Dec 20Where Pigs Fly Farm Sanctuary$20 AUDChristmas present
2019May 10Animal Justice Party$3000 AUDDonation to elections fundraiser
2019Jan 28Animal Justice Party$799Donation to elections fundraiser
2019Jan 21Animal Justice Party$100 AUDDonation to elections fundraiser
2019Jan 13Animal Justice Party$100 AUDDonation to elections fundraiser
2018Sep 13L214 Ethique et Animaux$20 AUD
2018Sep 10Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies$58 AUDFor reasons I'll elaborate on in a new post soon, I now think CEERT is a much better enviro. charity pick than Cool Earth.
2018Sep 10Animals Australia$50 AUD
2018Oct 11The Modern Agriculture Foundation$2077 AUD
2018Nov 24Our Hen House$100 US
2018May 27Good Food Institute$40 US
2018May 27Animal Charity Evaluators$50 US
2018Dec 1Animals Australia$50 AUD
2018Aug 10Animal Liberation$20 AUD
2018??Animal Justice Party$30 AUDMembership fees
2017Mar 4Good Food Institute$50 AUD
2017Apr 20Animal Charity Evaluators$30 USGift for a friend
2017??Animal Justice Party$30 AUDMembership fees
2016Nov 29Good Food Institute$60,000 AUDBased on the recommendations of Michael Dickens
2016Jun 14The Life You Can Save Adelaide$530 AUDPlane tickets for a guest speaker to an EA event, partly to measure their impact on behaviour change - write-up of results is forthcoming.
2016Jun 14The Life You Can Save Adelaide$150 AUDMisc. costs for running an EA event
2016Jul 10Students for High Impact Charity$1000 US
2016Jul 1Animal Charity Evaluators$100 US
2016Jan 4Purchasing Peter Singer's books for giveaways$179 AUD
2016Feb 12Effective Altruism: The Movement$468 AUDFunding to develop documentary
2016Feb 06Against Malaria Foundation$230 AUDDonation swap to donate to .impact.
2016Apr 18Against Malaria Foundation$8000 AUDDollar matching for the Run for EA. Played a role in raising $36,000 (not all of which was counterfactual).
2016Apr 13The Life You Can Save Adelaide$170 AUDPurchasing food for An Evening with Peter Singer.
2015Nov 18Meetup$60 AUDLocal EA chapter Meetup payment
2015May 6Oxfam Australia$2000 AUDIncluding $1000 from employer donation matching
2015Jun 15Giving What We Can$2500 AUD
2015Jun 6Fred Hollows Foundation$1000 AUD
2015Jun 1Fred Hollows Foundation$60 AUD
2015Dec 18Charity Science$151 AUD
2015Dec 16Machine Intelligence Research Institute$20 US
2015Dec 8The Humane League$50 US
2015Dec 6Cool Earth$56 AUD
2015Dec 6Nuclear Threat Initiative$51 US
2015DecCharity Science$110 USChristmas gifts
2015Aug 17The Planetary Society$57 USPayment for society membership
2015??Schizophrenia$250 AUDBirthday gift
2015Against Malaria Foundation$4494 AUDMultiple donations
2014Sep 5Red Cross$50 AUD
2014Sep 2Hutt St Centre$21 AUD
2014Jul 21World Vision Australia$53 AUD
2014??Everydayhero$2153 AUDMisc. donations, mostly World Youth International
2014??The Smith Family Australia$240 AUD
2014??World Youth International$3700 AUDProgram costs to volunteer in Nepal for 5 weeks
2014??Unicef Australia$25 AUD
2013Oct 26Movember$50 AUD
2013Jun 26RAH Cancer Centre$20 AUD
2013Jun 11Flinders Medical Centre Foundation$50 AUD
2013Jan 1Cancer Council SA$50 AUD
2013??Smith Family Australia$550 AUD
2013??Australian Conservation Foundation$45 AUD
2012Nov 17Movember$100 AUD
2011Nov 7Movember$10 AUD

This commitment has probably made me happier than most things in life. If you think you could do with a few less luxuries to better some lives (including your own), make a pledge.